Why are my calls going straight to voicemail android

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  • How to stop calls going to voicemail
  • Why does a phone go straight to voicemail without ringing

  • Why does a phone go straight to voicemail without ringing
  • Why is my phone going straight to voicemail iphone
  • My boyfriend phone goes straight to voicemail
  • How to stop calls going to voicemail iphone
  • Iphone 15 calls going straight to voicemail
  • My boyfriend phone goes straight to voicemail...

    Try Basic Fixes

    • Toggle the airplane mode: Turning the airplane mode on and off can help refresh your phone’s network connection. This should help resolve minor network-related problems causing your incoming calls to go to voicemail.
    • Remove and re-insert the SIM card: Issues with the SIM card can sometimes result in calls going straight to voicemail.

      You can try ejecting the SIM card from your phone and reinserting it to see if that helps.

    Fix 1: Disable Do Not Disturb Mode

    When the Do Not Disturb mode is active, your Android phone silences all incoming calls and notifications.

    As a result, any call you receive may go straight to voicemail without ringing.

    Calls going straight to voicemail iphone do not disturb is off

    To avoid this, ensure that the Do Not Disturb mode is disabled on your phone.

    Step 1: Open the Settings app > tap on Notifications > select Do not disturb from the following menu.

    Step 2: Toggle off Do not disturb.

    Under Schedule, disable the toggles for DND schedules.

    Fix 2: Disable Block Calls From Unknown Numbers

    Your Android lets you block calls from unknown numbers.

    While that helps reduc

      how to stop calls going to voicemail on iphone 13
      how to stop calls going to voicemail on iphone 15